Corset, 2010
Single channel video with color and sound, 7’11″, loop
Director’s voice is persistently giving instructions to the “fat belly” to fit into the frame. The price of being ‘acceptable’ regarding size is up to the frame size.
- Release yourself… Let them in from both sides… Some excessive parts… Your left side ran over… Your left side… Try a bit more from the left side… Let in the excessive parts… Yes, like this… Let in the excessive parts from the left side… Let them in… Like this… There are still some excessive parts… Let them in from both sides… Retracting from both sides… If you try from the right side a bit more… Yes, let them in from the right… Left side is almost in… Ok, now let them in from the right side a bit more… But now it has ran over from both sides…
- (deep breathing)
- Going in… Hmm, there is some free space for the right part… Yes, yes, very good. Right side needs to be pushed a little more… The left side is almost fitted… Yes… Little more… Alright, very nice… It’s all good… Just a little more from the right side… Try the hips… There are some excessive parts… If you could push your belly from your right…
- Here? [slapping sound]
- Yes.
- The upper part?
- The sides… Push from both sides… Yes…
View from the exhibition “Mamut Art Project” – KüçükÇiftlik Park, İstanbul, 2014